Now Enrolling September 2024
Now enrolling for the September 2024 Equinox
Living With Soul
A blueprint for the conscious human to liberate their Soul and naturally align with their dream vision of the future.

Learn inner tools based in heart consciousness. Be the peace in the chaos, the Love in the fear. Integrate your 
own Soul’s wisdom. Live in full trust. Embody your natural magnetism. Claim a life of conscious choice. Serve humanity through Loving your own ego.
I'm ready to apply
Living With Soul
A blueprint for the conscious human to liberate their Soul and naturally align with their dream vision of the future.

Learn inner tools based in heart consciousness. Be the peace in the chaos, the Love in the fear. Integrate your 
own Soul’s wisdom. Live in full trust. Embody your natural magnetism. Claim a life of conscious choice. Serve humanity through Loving your own ego.
I'm ready to apply

Expressing the Love within you is what will change the world.

Take a breath with me and allow any layers that don't serve you begin to loosen. Know that at your core, you are a whole and complete being who operates from Love. This is your true nature, and you can live in connection to it for good.

You always get to decide what your story is.
Your Soul's vision of the future is real.
It is the most fulfilling path you could ever take, and you are meant to live it. 
It's time to release the ego's patterns that hold you back from it.

When you allow your Soul to lead, you naturally end up living your dream life.

Within you, right this very moment, there is a part of you who is:

  • Magnetic to the dream home, fulfilling career, and relationship you've always craved. This means naturally, easefully, calling in anything in alignment with your Authentic desires.

  • Centered, confident, and compassionate with others and yourself. This part of you does not require validation, judge, or seek answers. Rather, this part of you is fully trusting of yourself. Here, you are anchored. 

  • Deeply trusting of the timing and the way of every situation. 
    This part of you understands the nature of Oneness and is able to seamlessly apply it to life - meaning the 'normal' internal struggles in your everyday begins to melt away.

    Learn to loosen the grip of the ego, restructure your beliefs for good and finally dissolve the layers of conditioning that cover your truest essence.

The only way you can live the life of your dreams is if you take the steps your Soul is leading you to take.

This is the decision that feels exciting and opening...

And also it's the one that your ego will try to talk you out of. 

It’s time to practice pushing that edge and choose Love and expansion instead.

Living With Soul

3+ months of reprogramming your self identity into that of your most loving, peaceful, abundant and magnetic self. 

And please let me be clear: This isn't a coaching program that's *just* going to teach you the basics and send you on your way. When you join this container, you are supported every step of the way. 

This program uses a multitude of spiritual and personal development teachings and makes them practically applicable to your own everyday life  - all while providing you the support you need throughout. Because there are some critical gaps within a lot of the spiritual / personal development industry, and Living With Soul has been designed to bridge them.

Consider this the first 3 months of a transformational journey. After the 3 months, you'll gain complimentary access to the Alumni program where you can continue the growth alongside many others on a similar path.

It is not a race, and there is no destination. There is only the present moment. That is where we start, that is where we end, and that is how and why we learn to continue choosing Love.

Apply now >

The 6 Pillars

It is my deepest intention that the work you’ll do in Living With Soul leads you to the embodiment of each one of these.

Building deep trust with Self and Life.
To trust yourself is the key to living your dream life. It is what gives you unwavering trust that Universe will provide. It is vital for building high self worth that you feel with every fiber of your being. 

#2 Becoming clear in your Authenticity and allowing it to be fully expressed.

Expressing your Authentic self is the only way you will feel deeply successful and fulfilled in this life. Confidence in your unique expression will naturally align you with profound life experiences.

#3 Holding the energy of empowerment rather than victimhood.

When you move from egoic victim mentality you become resilient to life's challenges. The ego will always be there, ever so faintly... Yet its impact is overwhelming. Learn the tools to Lovingly let it go. 

#4 Claiming your magnetism to naturally attract what is in alignment with your Soul.

You don't have to 'try' nearly as hard as your ego makes you. Your Soul's desires are so much closer to you than you could even imagine. It's a matter of clarity, letting go of the conditioning, and trusting it to flow in with ease. You can learn this now. 

#5 Serving others in your own unique way.
Discover your mission on this planet. Be so confident in it you inspire others. Your mission is not tied to your career or occupation, and neither is your ability to lead a happy and fulfilling life. 

#6 Embracing the continual practice to genuinely choose Love over fear through all life experiences. 

Life is a dance, offering choices every single moment to choose Love. It's a challenge to choose when fear shows up in your habits, thoughts, other people, situations out of your control... But you can, and you will.


Over 3+ months, you will learn how to release old stories, habits, and layers of conditioning that limit you and cloud your authenticity, for good.

Authenticity = Your Soul = Your True essence = Love

Stage 1: Remember

Phase 1


We kick off by learning how to hear the voice of the ego and understand it on a practical level. You will learn the foundations of clear and successful manifestation.

Phase 2


This week we begin deep work around releasing limiting beliefs. You will learn how to practically apply powerful universal laws improve your day to day life.

Phase 3 


This week you will discover your inner anchor and begin to build physical foundations and patterns in your your life to start doing the deep inner work in the coming 9 weeks. 

Stage 2: Release

Phase 4 


After a week of integration from the previous 3 phases, you will return with learning how to bring balance into your everyday life. You will also learn how to move through jealousy and forgiveness.

Phase 5


This phase of the program will teach you how to create structure in your life, set healthy boundaries, harness your energy as a sensitive and learn how to deeply hold the energy of confidence.

Phase 6


The heart is the bridge between the earth and the cosmos, the lower and upper energy centers. As we move into the heart center, the energy of the program shifts into deeper and more internal concepts to facilitate powerful healing in all aspects of your life.

Stage 3: Receive

Phase 7


As we move into the throat, you'll learn how to weave self honesty, authentic truth and integrity into all parts of your life, and the energetics of why that will play a vital role in creating the life of your dreams.

Phase 8


During this phase of the program we focus deeply on strengthening your mind and truly harnessing the power of your subconscious beliefs. Your mind is an incredibly powerful tool, this is where you learn how to use it to consciously create.

Phase 9


Here you will collect everything you have learned in the past three months and begin to use it for Service to others and to pave the way for a whole new world for future generations. Learn to live your mission every day, so you can feel genuinely fulfilled and at peace wherever life takes you.

The Method

This is grounded spirituality

Living With Soul's methodology was created using the energetics of 9 energy centers in our body, The intention of using our energy centers as a guide is so you can:

  • Create a strong, grounded foundation within yourself as you evolve.
  • Become unwavering to the experiences within your daily life.
  • Have an emotionally sustainable approach to personal and spiritual development.

Here's what you receive after joining Living With Soul:

Online Learning Portal

Every week, you'll be drip-fed a series of videos that go deep into the energetics of each phase. You will receive worksheets, assignments, and audio practices to help you integrate emotionally and embody what you learn.

Weekly Coaching Sessions

This is where we’ll work through the tools and practices live to show you how they're used, and I'll also work with you to practically apply the concepts spoken about weekly to your life. These will be 90 minutes every week of the program. 

Message Support

Within this space, you have 1:1 access to me via text and voice message throughout the week. You will also meet the beautiful souls on this journey with you and find peer support in whatever ways flow.  

Access to the Immersives

 The Immersive Library is a space within LWS where you can do deep repatterning work on a neurobiological level. There are different categories of Immersive audio journeys available. These audio journeys are guided mediations with a mix of techniques based in:

Breath work
Somatic tools
Subconscious reprogramming
Self hypnosis
Energy work

All of which based in Love + Unity consciousness.

You will also receive:

  • Support with your Service to the world in the online space. If you're looking to also gain more knowledge about how to confidently post regularly on social media, build an audience that is in alignment with your Soul's message, or begin your journey in coaching, facilitating or educating in some capacity: You will have my support. 

  • Lifetime access. You will have access to the LWS Online Learning Portal and Immersives library for life - even through all the upgrades that the Portal and Immersive material goes through. 

  • An additional 3 months support in the Alumni container.You will gain complimentary access to the LWSA container which includes 2 x live calls per month and Slack support. The intention behind the Alumni container is to continue the momentum and keep building an empowered life regardless of the ups and downs alongside each other. You can choose to stay in the space even after the 3 months are up.
Apply now >
*Once you click this button, you’ll be taken directly to the application. You’ll be asked a few questions to see if you’re a good fit and will be given the price of the program. If you're the right fit for Living With Soul, we'll reach out to you within 48 hours and discuss next steps for enrollment.

What students are saying...

Charmaine Silk

This course has helped me to see that I have the ability to create connections that are truly safe, wholesome and fulfilling. I felt this process really gave me permission to set my boundaries and tune into my needs in ways that I had overlooked in the past.

Without making these changes, I would still be stuck in a negative loop of projection and victimisation but with the insights I’ve learnt I can now identify the patterns that don’t serve me and process them with loving awareness. It feels liberating to release self-judgement while looking to see where I may be projecting and contributing to the disharmony in my life.

Now that I have received such potent guidance through this process, I am inspired to stay true to myself by honouring my boundaries, while also setting an inner boundary to openly observe when I am stepping out of alignment. Thanks to Shriyankas powerful transmission of truth, I now have a deeper understanding about the nature of how my external world mirrors my inner world which puts the power in my hands to truly create a loving environment from the inside out – for this I am truly grateful.

I believe this course is a life changing experience that offers people the opportunity to really deepen their relationship to themselves and their loved ones. It holds integral keys of information and practices that encourage deep transformation in the way we view the world and our relationship to it. It’s an initiation of courage and compassionate self-love that has the capacity to return us to a harmonised way of being.

Shriyanka has a soft nature that is infused with a strength that cuts through delusion and reminds us of the divinity within all. Her presence invites love into all the corners of the human experience and liberates our sense of separation with her divine guidance. She delivers her message in a grounded way that inspires a feeling of purity and empowerment. Her leadership and her gracious presence eases the mind into a gentle state of receptivity, the heart into a softened state of openness. Shriyankas love is abundantly generous and it really shines through her work, her courses and offerings. I have been blessed to receive her teachings and highly recommend her services to anyone who is longing to be energetically and spiritually refreshed.

Ashley Dobbie

Since doing the work in LWS, I can say that my views of others has significantly changed. I no longer rely on others for approval, and I am no longer fearful or judgemental of the people that I come into contact with. I look at others with compassion and I try to spend my time connecting with and helping them by sharing myself and my knowledge. This is very empowering for me and brings my joy.

I used to believe that I lacked confidence and was very concerned about how others thought of me or judged me. This showed greatly in how I presented myself to the world around me. Putting in the work with Living With Soul has enabled me to shift my perspective and the view I have of myself. I have been able to learn to recognize my thought patterns and expand my beliefs to match my personal desires.

I have grown to become disciplined in setting and fulfilling my intentions, and this has brought me true confidence. I have always been a creative but never truly felt the confidence to call myself an artist till nearing completion of Living with Soul. I have always loved being social and connection is very important to me, but used to be fearful and lack confidence in speaking with groups. This course has given me so many tools enabling me to build that confidence.

I have enabled myself to show greater kindness, compassion, patience and love towards others and especially myself. I have attained a very positive outlook and great gratitude and respect for my mind, body and soul. I have adapted to a strong routine in my daily life that is empowering and motivating. 

Without the astonishing changes I’ve made in LWS I feel I would have perpetuated a feeling of low self worth. I would have felt helplessly stuck in the same routine that left me tired, uninspired, and resentful of others. I would have been disconnected from so many experiences and people that I have learned how to embrace. Meditation was something that I had tried before but I had not been able to fully embrace and embody. The flow of the teachings, accompanying worksheets and guided meditations that Shriyanka has provided have enabled a great depth of understanding and feeling within me.

If you have been feeling compelled to do living with soul, I truly hope that you do. Trusting in yourself is the beginning of the transformative experience. I’ve learned that your best growth is achieved outside of your comfort zone.

I have seen many changes to my life. The connections I share with my friends and family have greatly improved and my relationship with my children has never been stronger. My confidence at work is soaring and I have ensured to make myself time to enjoy things that I truly love; my painting, photography, gardening, hiking, connecting with animals and nature.

Shriyanka is more than just a beautiful soul! Her organization of this course allowed for a great flow of understanding. The incorporation of science and the alignment of knowledge with the chakra centre’s was remarkable, and her openness in sharing experiences and building a supportive community resonated so beautifully!

Saying thank you would not be enough for all your love, wisdom and guidance you’ve shared. I am so very blessed to have you as a mentor.

What students are saying...

Charmaine Silk

This course has helped me to see that I have the ability to create connections that are truly safe, wholesome and fulfilling. I felt this process really gave me permission to set my boundaries and tune into my needs in ways that I had overlooked in the past.

Without making these changes, I would still be stuck in a negative loop of projection and victimisation but with the insights I’ve learnt I can now identify the patterns that don’t serve me and process them with loving awareness. It feels liberating to release self-judgement while looking to see where I may be projecting and contributing to the disharmony in my life.

Now that I have received such potent guidance through this process, I am inspired to stay true to myself by honouring my boundaries, while also setting an inner boundary to openly observe when I am stepping out of alignment. Thanks to Shriyankas powerful transmission of truth, I now have a deeper understanding about the nature of how my external world mirrors my inner world which puts the power in my hands to truly create a loving environment from the inside out – for this I am truly grateful.

I believe this course is a life changing experience that offers people the opportunity to really deepen their relationship to themselves and their loved ones. It holds integral keys of information and practices that encourage deep transformation in the way we view the world and our relationship to it. It’s an initiation of courage and compassionate self-love that has the capacity to return us to a harmonised way of being.

Shriyanka has a soft nature that is infused with a strength that cuts through delusion and reminds us of the divinity within all. Her presence invites love into all the corners of the human experience and liberates our sense of separation with her divine guidance. She delivers her message in a grounded way that inspires a feeling of purity and empowerment. Her leadership and her gracious presence eases the mind into a gentle state of receptivity, the heart into a softened state of openness. Shriyankas love is abundantly generous and it really shines through her work, her courses and offerings. I have been blessed to receive her teachings and highly recommend her services to anyone who is longing to be energetically and spiritually refreshed.

Ashley Dobbie

Since doing the work in LWS, I can say that my views of others has significantly changed. I no longer rely on others for approval, and I am no longer fearful or judgemental of the people that I come into contact with. I look at others with compassion and I try to spend my time connecting with and helping them by sharing myself and my knowledge. This is very empowering for me and brings my joy.

I used to believe that I lacked confidence and was very concerned about how others thought of me or judged me. This showed greatly in how I presented myself to the world around me. Putting in the work with Living With Soul has enabled me to shift my perspective and the view I have of myself. I have been able to learn to recognize my thought patterns and expand my beliefs to match my personal desires.

I have grown to become disciplined in setting and fulfilling my intentions, and this has brought me true confidence. I have always been a creative but never truly felt the confidence to call myself an artist till nearing completion of Living with Soul. I have always loved being social and connection is very important to me, but used to be fearful and lack confidence in speaking with groups. This course has given me so many tools enabling me to build that confidence.

I have enabled myself to show greater kindness, compassion, patience and love towards others and especially myself. I have attained a very positive outlook and great gratitude and respect for my mind, body and soul. I have adapted to a strong routine in my daily life that is empowering and motivating. 

Without the astonishing changes I’ve made in LWS I feel I would have perpetuated a feeling of low self worth. I would have felt helplessly stuck in the same routine that left me tired, uninspired, and resentful of others. I would have been disconnected from so many experiences and people that I have learned how to embrace. Meditation was something that I had tried before but I had not been able to fully embrace and embody. The flow of the teachings, accompanying worksheets and guided meditations that Shriyanka has provided have enabled a great depth of understanding and feeling within me.

If you have been feeling compelled to do living with soul, I truly hope that you do. Trusting in yourself is the beginning of the transformative experience. I’ve learned that your best growth is achieved outside of your comfort zone.

I have seen many changes to my life. The connections I share with my friends and family have greatly improved and my relationship with my children has never been stronger. My confidence at work is soaring and I have ensured to make myself time to enjoy things that I truly love; my painting, photography, gardening, hiking, connecting with animals and nature.

Shriyanka is more than just a beautiful soul! Her organization of this course allowed for a great flow of understanding. The incorporation of science and the alignment of knowledge with the chakra centre’s was remarkable, and her openness in sharing experiences and building a supportive community resonated so beautifully!

Saying thank you would not be enough for all your love, wisdom and guidance you’ve shared. I am so very blessed to have you as a mentor.

I grew up knowing I was destined to do something big in my life... Though exciting, with years of inaction on the vision, it began to make me feel stagnant, anxious and disappointed. The truth was, I didn’t trust myself to do anything about it. Why?

  • I lied to myself about how I felt deep down - avoiding my fears, limitations and shadows. 
  • I was living in constant self judgment and comparison to others.
  • I had issues in communicating my needs with others (which negatively affected my relationships).
  • I made promises to myself that I didn’t follow through on, which fed my low self worth.
  • I was always focusing on what I wanted to manifest externally from my ego (creating fleeting and conditional happiness causing unhealthy attachment).
I manifested everything my ego wanted, and nothing more than what my low-self worth told me I deserved. Life was not fulfilling me, and it led me to one of the deepest depressions I’ve ever gone through. 

I let this depression be a catalyst. 

I pulled myself from the depths. The depression has not returned. I know it's because I learned how to courageously listen to my Soul.

My Soul led me to intentionally invest my time, money, and energy. And I listened - especially when my ego's fears tried to convince me to hold back. And from that, I stepped more and more into my truth. 

  • Dissolving self judgment and doubt when it arises.

  • Facing all fears and challenges with genuine empowerment. 

  • Moving through heavy emotions and thoughts with Love - no matter the circumstance.

  • Living with integrity, honesty, and trust in myself and everything I do.

  • Being genuinely confident in my authenticity and magnetic to soul-aligned opportunities. 

This gave me the clarity to see what my Soul was guiding me toward: Service to others. Not as an occupation, but as a way of life.

To be in Service to my partner, my family, my friends, my community, strangers, and my clients.

Every single day, you're given an opportunity to live in and build your dream life.

When you claim this and follow what your Soul leads you toward, you will naturally align with it. 

Let yourself trust that.

It is safe to believe in your vision.

Apply now >

*Once you click this button, you’ll be taken directly to the application. You’ll be asked a few questions to see if you’re a good fit and will be given the price of the program. If you're the right fit for Living With Soul, we'll reach out to you within 48 hours and discuss next steps for enrollment.